Friday, March 25, 2011

10 Steps to a Clutter-Free Listing

Great information to consider before listing a home from Cherie Ware, Professional Organizer, Consultant and Trainer!! www.Organize Your

1. Gather supplies-Boxes and markers for packing, containers for donations or yard sale.
2. Get Out your Calendar-Schedule dates for yard sale, donation pick-up, and target date for listing house.
3. Remove Clutter-Starting from the front door and working your way throughout the house. This is phase one in packing for the move, so if you can do without for a few months, pack away-you'll see it again at the next location.
4. Check the season-Out of season equipment and holiday decorations are an easy target for immediate packing.
5. Store it--If possible, rent storage space or a portable storage unit, like PODS or Pack Rat.
6. Creatively conceal-For items that need to stay in the house, use stylish containers such as storage ottomans, plastic storage bins, or, decorative boxes.
7. De-personalize-Create an environment where prospective buyers can envision their own lives. Remove family photographs, excessive political or religious decor, and items that someone may find unpleasant (i.e. taxidermy).
8. Hide valuables-Time to secure items that are valuable, sentimental or fragile. Have peace of mind when strangers come to tour your home.
9. Head outside-continue same review process through garage, yard and any outside sheds. Remove dead plants, sweep porch and patio, and please pick up pet waste.
10. Spit & polish- You may hae stirred up some dust with all this work. thoroughly clean all romms-vacuum, freshen up drapes, shake out rugs and clean windows. your house will shine!

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